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Jazz History on MusicplayOnline

Black History Month Resources on MusicplayOnline
This unit offers wonderful resources to celebrate the lives, work, achievements and contributions of Black Americans and Canadians to our countries' histories and cultures in your classroom. Explore singing games, choral pieces, listening selections, and spiritual songs. Additionally, discover videos and activities featuring Scott Joplin, resources for "Lift Every Voice and Sing," and further content on notable Black American and Canadian musicians and composers. Check out what we have by going to Units > Festivals & Holidays or clicking the link here: Black History Month Unit

Valentine's Day Unit on MusicplayOnline

Lunar New Year Unit on MusicplayOnline
The Lunar New Year musical activities consist of lessons for K-5 music classes that teach about the holiday, featuring a traditional song with a vocal recording, a rondo lesson, instruction on Chinese zodiac animals incorporating rhythm words and sound effects, and a lesson on the dragon dance. Either the Rondo lesson or the Animals of the Zodiac lesson may span 1-2 music classes. Check out the unit by going to Units > Festivals & Holidays or by clicking the link here: Lunar New Year Unit
Orff and Drum for Valentine's Day
Join our Free Wednesday Webinar!
Valentine's Day with Orff and Drum | January 31, 2024

Practice Your Note Names for Recorder!

Singing Fun and Games!

St. Patrick's Day Jig
A fun lesson for Thursday/Friday of this week, would be to teach your classes, the St. Patrick's Day Jig.

Pumpkin Time!
Pumpkin Time!
Whether you celebrate Halloween or harvest, October is the time for pumpkins.