Valentine's Day Unit on MusicplayOnline

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, our Valentine's Day Unit offers a wonderful collection of activities and resources for your classroom. Find songs related to love, Valentine's Day and friendship, Valentine themed word games, Bobo videos and our fun recorder mad minute activity to enjoy! Discover more by going to Units > Festivals & Holidays or clicking the link here: Valentine's Day Unit
Related Songs:
Songs About Love
Folk Songs
Valentine's Songs
Friendship Songs
Valentine's Word Composition and Games
This section offers a variety of downloadable resources. You will find a Valentine Cinnamon Hearts Listening Lesson, solfa and rhythm flashcards, note value coloring pages for your students and a "What makes a good friend?" interactive.
The Cinnamon Hearts Listening Lesson is a great activity aiming to teach rhythmic meters and patterns in a fun way. It starts with students moving to drum beats, identifying rhythms in twos, threes, or fours. Then, they tap out rhythms using cinnamon hearts or stickers to match the time signatures of the music playing.
Link to Cinnamon Hearts Listening Lesson

Bobo Valentines
Two Bobo videos are included, featuring drmfsl solfa.

Recorder Mad Minutes
Both a downloadable PDF and an interactive are included.