What's New in Musicplay with Denise Gagne

Jazz History on MusicplayOnline

Dive into the world of jazz music on MPO! Learn about the history of jazz or check out John Jacobson's musical revue, Razzamajazz in our Units section. Find our Blues Cats and Jazz Cats resources in the Instruments > Recorder section for additional options and opportunities for your students to improvise! 
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Black History Month Resources on MusicplayOnline

This unit offers wonderful resources to celebrate the lives, work, achievements and contributions of Black Americans and Canadians to our countries' histories and cultures in your classroom. Explore singing games, choral pieces, listening selections, and spiritual songs. Additionally, discover videos and activities featuring Scott Joplin, resources for "Lift Every Voice and Sing," and further content on notable Black American and Canadian musicians and composers. Check out what we have by going to Units > Festivals & Holidays or clicking the link here: Black History Month Unit

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Valentine's Day Unit on MusicplayOnline

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, our Valentine's Day Unit offers a wonderful collection of activities and resources for your classroom. Find songs related to love, Valentine's Day and friendship, Valentine themed word games, Bobo videos and our fun recorder mad minute activity to enjoy! Discover more by  going to Units > Festivals & Holidays or clicking the link here: Valentine's Day Unit
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Lunar New Year Unit on MusicplayOnline

The Lunar New Year musical activities consist of lessons for K-5 music classes that teach about the holiday, featuring a traditional song with a vocal recording, a rondo lesson, instruction on Chinese zodiac animals incorporating rhythm words and sound effects, and a lesson on the dragon dance. Either the Rondo lesson or the Animals of the Zodiac lesson may span 1-2 music classes. Check out the unit by going to Units > Festivals & Holidays or by clicking the link here: Lunar New Year Unit

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Practice Your Note Names for Recorder!

January is the month when many teachers decide to teach a recorder unit for Grade 3, 4 and 5. Denise's preference is to start recorder in January of Grade 4. The students have had another year of musical instruction, the hands are bigger, and they progress more quickly than students who begin in Grade 3.
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Scheduled Maintenance: Login system improvements

UPDATE: We previously announced that this maintenance would occur on Thursday May 23rd, but have revised this to Thursday May 30th. Thank you for your understanding.

We will be performing maintenance start 7PM MST to 11:59PM MST on Thursday May 30th.
Earlier this year we launched a major improvement to MusicplayOnline logins and took the first steps towards a unified login system across all Musicplay products. We are now ready to launch the next part of the plan, which is adding the same login system to Musicplay Workshops.

if you do not regularly use workshops.musicplay.ca, this will likely have no impact on you.

If you are impacted, here's what you can expect:

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