Spring Ideas on MusicplayOnline

In this newsletter, we'll showcase ideas available on MusicplayOnline for your spring lessons.
Spring Unit
Our Spring unit is a great place to start for spring-related content. Some of the materials include Kindergarten rhythm centers with demo videos, as well as rain-themed songs like "Eensy Weensy Spider" and "Watch Our Garden Grow." Dive into Spring Time Listening with videos, printable glyphs, and a thunderstorm soundscape guide. There is a read-aloud of "Plant a Rainbow" with accompanying activities, along with vegetable-themed resources with lyric videos, flashcards, and worksheets.
You can find more by going to Units > Festivals & Holidays > Spring or by clicking the link here: Spring Unit
Related songs:
Bumblebee Songs
Chick Songs
Garden Songs
Weather Songs

Rain Songs:

PreK-Gr. 2 Centers Unit
The Kindergarten Spring Rhythms Center is also included in this unit, including additional demo videos showcasing our Beat Cards. Printable PreK Beat Flashcards are also included. Check it out by going to Units > Games & Centers > PreK-Gr. 2 Centers or by clicking the link here: PreK - Gr. Centers Unit

Easter Unit
In this unit we have both Easter and Springtime Composing Activities. You can find them here: Units > Festivals & Holidays > Easter or Easter Unit
Compose a Melody Springtime Worksheet
A Springtime Composition interactive is also available to use with solfa or note names
Springtime Composition Interactive