Sleepy Bunnies

Sleepy Bunnies is a great activity for any time of the year! If you're looking for a fun activity for Easter (although it doesn't say anything really about Easter) this game is fun!
Game Directions:
Part One
Have the students pretend to be sleeping bunnies. They should lay on the floor.
Part Two
After the bunnies have been woken up, they should get up and hop around.
Teaching Suggestions
Use this song to discuss dynamics - quiet and loud sounds with the students.
Ask them to think of loud sounds. (balloon popping, rocket ship, lion’s roar)
Ask them to think of some quiet sounds. (breathing, clock ticking)
Have them listen to the sounds around them and list as many sounds as they can.
This piece can also be used to compare slow and fast.
This game is from the collection, Primary Dances and Singing Games. K-3 students really enjoy the games in this collection, found here.
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