Outdoor Music Ideas

As the warmer months are approaching, here are some activities you can do with your students while enjoying the outdoors!
Skipping songs are a great outdoor activity to add to your lessons. You can find a collection of these in Units > Dance & Move > Skipping Songs or by clicking the link here: Skipping Songs on MPO
Related Songs:
- Bubble Gum (K)
- Miss Lucy (1)
- Bluebells (2)
- Apples, Peaches, Pears, and Plums (2)
- Miss Marcy Mac (4)
The list of songs feature a variety of resources, including lyric and notation videos, demos, as well as notation and lyrics projectables.

For more outdoor games, check out our chase games!
Click on the Song List tab and then Add Filter. |
Click on Song Type. |
Select Chase Game.
Here is a list of chasing games to get you started:
Cut the Cake
Game Directions:
- Students form a circle.
- Measures 1-2: Clap hands.
- Measures 3-4: Shake hands.
- Measures 5-8: Students join hands in the circle.
- One student walks around the outside of the circle during singing.
- At the end of the song, they "slice" the cake by separating two students holding hands.
- The student who separated the pair stands with arms outstretched.
- The separated students race in opposite directions around the circle.
- The first student to tag an outstretched hand wins.
Cut the Cake Notation Projectable
Below are additional outdoor activities:
- Dancing: Play music through your phone and amplify with Bluetooth. Incorporate scarves or paper plates for movement.
- Rhythm activities: Clapping, patting, stomping, and "Follow the Leader" with 4 or 8 beat rhythms.
- Ball activities: Use a ball for bouncing and passing on the beat.
- Circle games: "Frog in the Middle" and other circle games are always fun.
- Sidewalk chalk: Illustrate songs like "Aikendrum".
- Campfire or camp songs: Sing campfire or camp songs with movement.
- Storytime: Read a story that corresponds with a song.
- 4 Corners game
- Sound scavenger hunt: Take a walk and listen for various sounds.
- Parachute activities
Check out our free Wednesday Webinar held on May 1, 2024 at 4:30 MDT!

How to Use Recorder Baseball and Poison Recorder in the Classroom Webinar with Nancy Otto
Register here: https://workshops.musicplay.ca/courses/how-to-use-recorder-baseball-and-poison-recorder-in-the-classroom-webinar-with-nancy-otto/
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- Connect us with your District Arts Coordinator and choose a free download from our list on the Musicplay Store!
- If your District Arts Coordinator chooses to purchase a district-wide subscription to MusicplayOnline, we will send you a $50 Discount Code to the Musicplay Store!