What's New with Musicplay - March 6, 2023

- Search now includes documents (e.g.: search for solfa worksheets)
- These documents are downloadable as PDFs or you can print from the website
- PDFs can be added to a "My List"
- The "+ Add to My List" button is on the bottom right of the documents
- Alphabet Songs and Activities
- Long Vowels videos and concept slides have been added to the unit
- Concept Slides from Alphabet Songs have been linked in the unit
- Musicplay Madness 2023
- New unit added to MusicplayOnline
- Uploaded pre-made bracket for class use, which coincides with the Musicplay Madness 2023 song selections
- Uploaded blank template bracket for class use
Song List:
- Updated "The Old Gray Cat" Illustrated Minibook
- Uploaded Canadian and American coin word rhythms
- Linked to Shiny Penny
- Linked to Johnny Lost a Quarter
Musicplay Workshops
Registration for Musicplay Live in Washington, DC; Austin, TX; and Virtual is open!
Musicplay Workshops
Check out our latest webinar on ideas for St. Patrick's Day and Earth Day here!
Musicplay Minutes Podcast
Listen to our newest podcast on ideas for St. Patrick's Day and Earth Day!