Peter and the Wolf – Online Music Lesson for PreK-Gr. 2
Peter and the Wolf is work created by Prokofiev that is beloved by children all over the world. Each of the characters in the story is represented by a different instrument. It’s an excellent way to introduce young children to the instruments of the orchestra. At we’ve created a Unit with 4 lessons to teach the story, introduce all the themes, introduce the instruments and in the final lesson, watch a video of the story with the music. This website is open for FREE STUDENT ACCESS while schools are closed due to Coronavirus.
The Lesson begins with the story of Peter and the Wolf (without music), illustrating each of the characters and the instruments that represent them.

The next part of the lesson introduces The Bird, played by the flute. This short engaging video, plays the theme, and asks children to listen to whether the music is high/low, fast/slow or loud/quiet.

Students are then asked to complete a worksheet (if they have a printer) or color and draw the bird and a flute.

The Duck is the next theme that’s introduced. The Duck is represented by the oboe.

The Duck has lyrics that can be sung with the theme. The lyrics are printed on the optional worksheet. Again, students can print the worksheet if they have a printer, but if not, are instructed to draw and color the duck and the oboe.

This is the end of Lesson 1. In Lesson 2, students are introduced to the Cat, Grandfather and the wolf. In Lesson 3, the students learn Peter’s and the Hunter’s themes and instruments. In Lesson 4, students watch a video of the entire work and then complete worksheets to review all the instruments and match the character to his instrument. The website is open for FREE STUDENT ACCESS while schools are closed due to Coronavirus.
Download the Lesson Guide to Peter and the Wolf Lesson 1. And find this online lesson at