New Bobo Videos and Celebrating World Voice Day with Self-Care

Bobo on MusicplayOnline
Bobo is an engaging warm-up tool that is fun and encourages positive behavior, as it can tell us if the students sound great or if they are good listeners.
We have new Bobo videos on Musicplayonline! Now you can practice with Bobo using a tone ladder with your students.
Bobo with Tone Ladder - Choo Choo Train
To access these new videos, go to Vocal Warmups > Bobo with Tone Ladder or click the link here: Bobo with Tone Ladder
You can also find them in the Song List!
Look out for future videos with new Bobo characters! Here's a sneak peak of our Fancy Man Bobo.
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Step 4: |
As world voice day is approaching, remember the importance of protecting your voice and keeping it healthy! Here are some vocal care tips:
- Stay hydrated
- Avoid caffeine, chocolate, and dairy
- Avoid throat clearing
- Use abdominal breathing instead
- Swallow or sip water
- Avoid yelling or speaking loudly in noisy environments
- Take breaks if your voice feels strained or harsh
- Speak face to face, using a softer tone when necessary
- Consider using a microphone in a classroom setting
- Avoid speaking on insufficient breath
- Stay relaxed
- Maintain a relaxed posture and keep shoulders down
- Keep teeth separated to relax the jaw
- Stay within your natural vocal range when speaking or singing
Additional tips for the classroom:
- Use non-verbal cues like finger gestures for instructions.
- When prompting a circle, gesture a circle with your fingers.
- Use palms up to signal standing, palms down for sitting.
- Teach the conductor's downbeat for cues instead of saying "1 2 Ready Go".
- Direct kids to clap rhythms by pointing and giving the downbeat.
- Minimize verbal instructions to preserve your voice.
- Utilize a microphone for effective communication.
- Sing for the students rather than with them to focus on accurate listening.
- Use instruments like recorder or keyboard for starting pitches.
- Have a child model to save your voice and help develop the kids' ears.
- Use recordings for rote teaching to save your voice.
- Play a phrase on the recording and pause it. Have the class echo.
- Incorporate daily warmups with lip trills for vocal placement and student engagement.
Looking for an engaging game to assess your students' sight-reading skills on the recorder? Give Recorder Baseball a try, created by Nancy Otto.
You can access this game by going to Instruments > Recorder > Recorder Baseball or by clicking the link here: Recorder Baseball