How do I find French resources on MusicplayOnline?

We are proud to introduce an initial program in French for students in French immersion programs and Francophone schools.
This program is made up in great part of songs for grades 1, 2 and 3, and of other resources under different sections of MusicplayOnline.
I. Songs
To find them:
- Select Song list (menu on the left side of the home page)
- Choose from the menu “All” from the yellow box
- Select “French”: resources in French are identified by a blue tab.
- Select the grade (Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3)
You will find a selection of traditional songs in French as well as songs translated from English for the following grades and months:
In each song you will find:
- Videos: notation and lyrics
- Concept slides
- A Teacher Guide (Activités pour la chanson)
- Teaching Objective
- Game directions
- Music Reading and Writing
- Curriculum Links
- Arrangements for piano, guitar and ukulele, boomwhackers
- Printables
II. Units
A. Leçons sur la portée (Staff Lessons)
In the section “Resources”:
Exercises on the staff, general and thematic (seasons, special days of the year)
7 sections of interactive activities about the staff (information, practice and assessment)
- La clé de sol
- Les lignes
- Les interlignes
- De do (C) central à sol (G)
- La gamme en do (C) majeur
- De sol (G) à sol aigu (G’)
- Les lignes supplémentaires
B. Journée du chandail orange (Orange Shirt Day)
Activities and answers Concept slides
C. Sections and documents in French under headings in English
Instruments of the Orchestra
Last section of the unit
- Activities for students (Color the instruments, worksheets, information and assessment pages, and instrument bingo)
Carnival of the Animals (Le carnaval des animaux)
Worksheets in French under each of these activities:
- Introduction and Royal March of the Lion (Marche royale du lion)
- Hens and Roosters (Poules et coqs)
- Wild Donkeys (Hémiones (Les ânes sauvages)
- Tortoises (Tortues) - The Elephant (L’éléphant)
- Kangaroos (Kangourous)
- Aquarium
- Personages with Long Ears (Personnages à longues oreilles)
- The Cuckoo in the Heart of the Woods (Le coucou au fond des bois)
- Aviary (La volière) -
- Pianists (Pianistes)
- Fossils (Fossiles)
- The Swan (Le cygne)
- Finale
Bach’s Fight for Freedom (Bach: La lutte pour la liberté)
Video in French
Beethoven Lives Upstairs (Beethoven habite chez moi)
Video in French
Bizet’s Dream (Le rêve de Bizet)
Video in French
III. Listening Kits (Trousses d’écoute)
- Les sons qui nous entourent (Sounds around Us)
- Qu'est-ce qui bat une pulsation? (What Keeps a Beat)
- Vite et lent (Fast and Slow)
- Sons forts et sons doux (Loud and Soft Sounds)
- Sons hauts et sons bas (High and Low)
IV. Lesson Planning (Planification de leçons)
Under the heading Music Advocacy Posters/ Affiches: Promouvoir la musique La musique (Music Poster)
- Comment l’éducation musicale affecte le cerveau chez les jeunes (Music and the Young Brain)
- 4 bénéfices de l’éducation musicale (Benefits of Music Education)
- 5 bénéfices de l’écoute de la musique classique (Benefits of Classical Music)
Under the heading What We Will Learn Posters/ Affiches: Ce que nous apprenons
Ce que nous apprenons en musique:
- Prématernelle (PreK)
- Maternelle (Kindergarten)
- 1ère année (Grade 1)
- 2è année (Grade 2)
- 3è année (Grade 3)
- 4è année (Grade 4)
- 5é année (Grade 5)
- École intermédiaire (Middle School)
Watch our webinar (and earn PD!) on French resources here.