What's New in Musicplay with Denise Gagne

Djembe, Bucket Drumming and World Drumming

Written by Carey-Lyn Gould | Jun 27, 2024 9:58:19 PM

Explore the variety of rhythmic content we have on MusicplayOnline with our exciting drumming programs!

Djembe - Drummer Dan

In this section you will find a series of beginner drum lessons led by Dan. He uses creative methods with manipulatives to help students understand beat and rhythm organization.
Additionally, Drummer Dan has arranged some Musicplay songs for drum.

Dive into more djembe content by going to Instruments > Drumming > Djembe with Drummer Dan or by clicking the link here: Djembe with Drummer Dan

Funga Alafia with Drummer Dan


Bucket Drumming - Mr. Frank

Check out our bucket drumming content with Mr. Frank by going to Instruments > Bucket Drumming > Mr. Frank or clicking the link here: Bucket Drumming with Mr. Frank

I Shall Not Be Moved with Mr. Frank

Bucket drumming is an engaging and accessible musical activity for your music classes. All you need are buckets and sticks, which are affordable and easy to store.

Bucket Recommendations:
  • Use various types of buckets. Options include Costco laundry detergent buckets,  large ice cream buckets from ice cream stores, and 5-gallon buckets from Home Depot or Lowes, which are sold for $4.97 Canadian. Bringing a letter from your school requesting a donation may also help acquire buckets for free.
  • For a complete ensemble, get buckets of different sizes.
  • Use rhythm sticks, dowels, or drum sticks for drumming on the buckets.
  • To reduce noise
    • cut pool noodles into 12-14” lengths and use them as drumsticks
    • stick erasers on the ends of the drumsticks
    • cut out yoga mats to put on the top of the bucket
Grades/Ages and Performance Ideas:
  • Lessons are suitable for grades 3-6, with younger students requiring more time on each section.
  • Consider saving bucket drumming as a special activity for older students to make it something fun and different for those who are harder to engage.
  • Performance pieces like "Liberty Bell March" can be showcased in assemblies using projectors for visual aids. Position the projector behind the audience and project the video as large as possible so that students can follow along as they perform.
Easy Bucket Drumming
Matthew Dane Peavoy
Easy Bucket Drumming is a fantastic resource to begin with. It includes a teacher’s guide, PDF projectables with embedded audio, MP4 videos of all 18 selections (no page turns!), and audio recordings. Available as both a book and a download, its user-friendly projectables and embedded audio make it easy to use in the classroom.
Click here to purchase this book on our store site: Musicplay Store Site

World Drumming - Dave Holland

Dave Holland's Drum Play series on MusicplayOnline consists of six thirty-minute lessons that include additional practice and a teacher's guide written by Dave. This resource is great for teachers just starting with drums or experienced educators interested in exploring world drumming further.
Check out our World Drumming videos by going to Instruments > Drumming > Drum Play or by clicking the link here: World Drumming 
World Drum Introduction with Mr. Dave 

Frame Drumming - James Allen

Our Frame Drumming unit, created by James Allen, features seven lessons exploring rhythms, sounds, and rhythmic patterns with the frame drum. Each lesson includes a lesson plan and kids demo.
Explore more by going to Instruments > Drumming > Frame Drum or by clicking the link here: Frame Drumming
Explore the Frame Drum with James Allen
Looking for an engaging game to assess your students' sight-reading skills on the recorder? Give Recorder Baseball a try, created by Nancy Otto.
You can access this game by going to Instruments > Recorder > Recorder Baseball or by clicking the link here: Recorder Baseball